# ========================================================================== # Installing headers # # header-y files will be installed verbatim # unifdef-y are the files where unifdef will be run before installing files # objhdr-y are generated files that will be installed verbatim # # ========================================================================== UNIFDEF := unifdef -U__KERNEL__ # Eliminate the contents of (and inclusions of) compiler.h HDRSED := sed -e "s/ inline / __inline__ /g" \ -e "s/[[:space:]]__user[[:space:]]\+/ /g" \ -e "s/(__user[[:space:]]\+/ (/g" \ -e "s/[[:space:]]__force[[:space:]]\+/ /g" \ -e "s/(__force[[:space:]]\+/ (/g" \ -e "s/[[:space:]]__iomem[[:space:]]\+/ /g" \ -e "s/(__iomem[[:space:]]\+/ (/g" \ -e "s/[[:space:]]__attribute_const__[[:space:]]\+/\ /g" \ -e "s/[[:space:]]__attribute_const__$$//" \ -e "/^\#include /d" _dst := $(if $(dst),$(dst),$(obj)) .PHONY: __headersinst __headersinst: ifeq (,$(patsubst include/asm/%,,$(obj)/)) # For producing the generated stuff in include/asm for biarch builds, include # both sets of Kbuild files; we'll generate anything which is mentioned in # _either_ arch, and recurse into subdirectories which are mentioned in either # arch. Since some directories may exist in one but not the other, we must # use '-include'. GENASM := 1 archasm := $(subst include/asm,asm-$(ARCH),$(obj)) altarchasm := $(subst include/asm,asm-$(ALTARCH),$(obj)) -include $(srctree)/include/$(archasm)/Kbuild -include $(srctree)/include/$(altarchasm)/Kbuild else include $(srctree)/$(obj)/Kbuild endif include scripts/Kbuild.include # If this is include/asm-$(ARCH) and there's no $(ALTARCH), then # override $(_dst) so that we install to include/asm directly. ifeq ($(obj)$(ALTARCH),include/asm-$(ARCH)) _dst := include/asm endif header-y := $(sort $(header-y)) unifdef-y := $(sort $(unifdef-y)) subdir-y := $(patsubst %/,%,$(filter %/, $(header-y))) header-y := $(filter-out %/, $(header-y)) header-y := $(filter-out $(unifdef-y),$(header-y)) ifdef ALTARCH ifeq ($(obj),include/asm-$(ARCH)) altarch-y := altarch-dir endif endif # Make the definitions visible for recursive make invocations export ALTARCH export ARCHDEF export ALTARCHDEF quiet_cmd_o_hdr_install = INSTALL $(_dst)/$@ cmd_o_hdr_install = cp $(objtree)/$(obj)/$@ $(INSTALL_HDR_PATH)/$(_dst) quiet_cmd_headers_install = INSTALL $(_dst)/$@ cmd_headers_install = $(HDRSED) $(srctree)/$(obj)/$@ \ > $(INSTALL_HDR_PATH)/$(_dst)/$@ quiet_cmd_unifdef = UNIFDEF $(_dst)/$@ cmd_unifdef = $(UNIFDEF) $(srctree)/$(obj)/$@ | $(HDRSED) \ > $(INSTALL_HDR_PATH)/$(_dst)/$@ || : quiet_cmd_mkdir = MKDIR $@ cmd_mkdir = mkdir -p $(INSTALL_HDR_PATH)/$@ quiet_cmd_gen = GEN $(_dst)/$@ cmd_gen = \ STUBDEF=__ASM_STUB_`echo $@ | tr a-z. A-Z_`; \ (echo "/* File autogenerated by 'make headers_install' */" ; \ echo "\#ifndef $$STUBDEF" ; \ echo "\#define $$STUBDEF" ; \ echo "\# if $(ARCHDEF)" ; \ if [ -r $(srctree)/include/$(archasm)/$@ ]; then \ echo "\# include <$(archasm)/$@>" ; \ else \ echo "\# error $(archasm)/$@ does not exist in" \ "the $(ARCH) architecture" ; \ fi ; \ echo "\# elif $(ALTARCHDEF)" ; \ if [ -r $(srctree)/include/$(altarchasm)/$@ ]; then \ echo "\# include <$(altarchasm)/$@>" ; \ else \ echo "\# error $(altarchasm)/$@ does not exist in" \ "the $(ALTARCH) architecture" ; \ fi ; \ echo "\# else" ; \ echo "\# warning This machine appears to be" \ "neither $(ARCH) nor $(ALTARCH)." ; \ echo "\# endif" ; \ echo "\#endif /* $$STUBDEF */" ; \ ) > $(INSTALL_HDR_PATH)/$(_dst)/$@ __headersinst: $(subdir-y) $(header-y) $(unifdef-y) $(altarch-y) $(objhdr-y) .PHONY: $(header-y) $(unifdef-y) $(subdir-y) # Rules for installing headers $(objhdr-y) $(subdir-y) $(header-y) $(unifdef-y): $(_dst) .PHONY: $(_dst) $(_dst): $(call cmd,mkdir) ifdef GENASM $(objhdr-y) $(header-y) $(unifdef-y): $(call cmd,gen) else $(objhdr-y): $(call cmd,o_hdr_install) $(header-y): $(call cmd,headers_install) $(unifdef-y): $(call cmd,unifdef) endif hdrinst := -rR -f $(srctree)/scripts/Makefile.headersinst obj .PHONY: altarch-dir altarch-dir: $(Q)$(MAKE) $(hdrinst)=include/asm-$(ALTARCH) dst=include/asm-$(ALTARCH) $(Q)$(MAKE) $(hdrinst)=include/asm dst=include/asm # Recursion $(subdir-y): $(Q)$(MAKE) $(hdrinst)=$(obj)/$@ dst=$(_dst)/$@ rel=../$(rel)